Wednesday, October 9, 2024

original story 1 - disdain

by bofa xesjum

henry the cannibal laughed.

but sir percival expressed disdain.

doctor zurk, the distinguished zoologist, viewed water nagelby as a potentially gruesome candidate for examination.

the little king suppressed a yawn obliviously when the red nun upheld the bifurcation of the hairy monster.

forgoing the old dogmas, gareth tremblingly, a wizened consultant who expected the youthful follies of the queen to be exposed momentarily, sighed deeply.

in the intervals between the jollities of the chancellor of the exchequer and the king of terror, roger attempted to interpose a few damning statistics.

meanwhile, zillions of indignant citizens languished in the waiting room.

Friday, September 27, 2024

another manuscript breaks off - 2. the workers

by genghis gilgamesh

i am not a rocket scientist, was mo jo chan’s response to most questions put to him by his fellow humans.

nancy ji and betty m do, the two women who worked with mo at the rvd reaearch center, at first found this mildly amusing, then mildly annoying, and then maddening.

they increasingly found everything about mo maddening, particularly his slovenliness, his habit of grunting to himself, and his general air of disdain for themselves.

they decided to do something about it.

they put their heads together in the lunch room.

nancy and betty always went to lunch together, leaving mo to run the department, and they were always late returning.

mo was all good with this. for reasons he kept to himself, he did not care for female company in any circumstances or at any time of the day or night, and the work the three of them were assigned by rvd was not all that arduous.

although they did not expect much, the two women decided to check first on any protocols the rvd corporation might have in place regarding unsatisfying fellow workers.

nancy ”had heard” that the h r department was overburdened with such complaints but agreed with betty that it was a good idea to check.

hello h r department, , betty typed in briskly on her minitablet, i and another employee have to work with a person who is a real jerk and we do not like him, our persons are demeaned and denied by his attititude and existence. can you help us out.

a message from h r came back before betty could take her finger off her tablet.

we are sorry but all representatives are busy at this time. your request will be considered in the order in which it was received. you may contact h r central at rvdhrcentral33 or 54639764976 but this will not guarantee faster service. thank you.

betty showed nancy the message,

what did i tell you, nancy said.

i was not surprised, betty replied. but now we can take matters into our own hands and get down to business.


unsuspected by the innocent nancy and betty, an investigator named 89-rt-jones had been activated by the act of betty’s call, and it immediately began a survey of betty’s brain, history, and classification..

betty was classified as a 20 on a scale of 1 to 22, with 1 being the persons most volatile and threatening to social stability, and 22 the least threatening.

betty’’s call was given a tentative urgency rating of 13 out of 14 - 14 being the least urgent.

88.7 percent of class 13 calls were quickly downgraded to 14s - which meant that they would never be answered.

the other 11.3 percent were

Thursday, September 26, 2024

another manuscript breaks off, number 1

by genghis gilgamesh

the world was obsolete but nobody declared victory.

an obnoxious sinner walked down a lonely road.

his name was legion - lawrence j legion iii, of pine bluff arkansas.

his serial number was 34795-78329-k7, but as he did not have it written down, and had lost his wallet somewhere in the wilderness, he would probably soon forget it.

his life was a waterfall of despair.

there is no victory in mystery., but revenge is sweet.

he finally came to a fork in the road.

one road seemed to lead to a desert.

the other deeper into the woods.

where would he find his enemy?

in the woods, living in a tree?

in the desert, living in a tent?

or in the great city, which no longer existed?

he had enough food for about three days.

in those three days, the invaders might return, civilization might be reborn, or he himself might turn into a butterfly.

on an impulse, he headed into the woods.

and was immediately

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

story one, part 2

by bofa xesjum

part two of two

all aboard! all aboard!

the great sad day had finally arrived.

everybody who had a ticket, by hook or by crook, was at the platform.

sad sam jones clutched his suitcase with a savage passion.

daniel boone, disguised as a biologist, watched from the outskirts.

he could not understand what the fuss was all about.

queen blue yearned for a moment of peace and quiet.

the people in the know were nowhere to be seen, or so it seemed.

johnny had given up on frankie and had arrived at the platform without her.

please, sir, can you spare a few dollars?

tolstoy had to laugh - what kind of person showed up at the platform on the sad day looking for change?

but roy rogers did not find it amusing - it filled him with a curious foreboding.

elvis was even more concerned - he knew something was wrong.

profoundly wrong - he slowly, so as not to attract attention, began moving back toward the entrance.

he wanted to get out - out anywhere, any way.

nobody else seemed to have the same idea - it reinforced his resolve.

gosh, gina thought, this crowd is bigger than i expected.

i wish george was here - he would know what to do.

suddenly the voice shouting all aboard! all aboard! stopped and another voice took its place.

you people have all been gamed , the new voice, a silky feminine voice, announced succintly.

this has happened too many times, tolstoy thought. how could i have been such a fool?

let us go!. let us people go! a roar, apparently spontaneous, burst from the crowd.

not very likely, the silky feminine voice laughed heartily.


the roof of the platform blew open.

a violent convulsion swept through the assembled would-be pilgrims.

and it was all understood at last, in an instant.

end of part two

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

story one, part 1

by bofa xesjum

part one of two

i think everybody has a right to be themselves.

robin hood lived in the woods.

there goes everybody again.

what brings you here?

i hardly know what to say any more.

my mom is the nicest person who ever lived.

people like you are just lucky, that’s all.

davy crockett lived in the woods too, and with bears and indians.

katie jones baked great apple pies, but was not very good with chocolate cupcakes.

i expected nothing less from you.

henry viii could be annoying at times.

but you promised!

remember when millionaire was a word?

what can you expect from people like that?

there actually was a person on tv named fred friendly - you could look it up.

and another person named gorgeous george.

billy the kid was an invention of the media.

there was no media back then.

i expect you never heard of p t barnum or nellie bly.

forgive me, i thought i was talking to a civilized person.

the town was strangely quiet,

johnny waited for frankie in the doorway of the laundromat.

come on,man.

you almost had me there.

the express roared through town at midnight.

all the best people were on it.

that was clearly understood from day one.

end of part one