Saturday, October 26, 2019

bad people so fast, part 4: the rowboat

by bofa xesjum

based on an original story by roger "pegleg" wlson

for previous episode, click here

to begin at the beginning, click here

all right, johnny thought, i may as well go through with this. humoring this joker might be my best chance.

aloud he said to pete, what would you suggest? should we check these people out, challenge them on their own turf, as they used to say back in the good old days?

we might as well, pete replied. i think the time has finally come.

can i ask you one thing? johnny asked pete.


how exactly did you come to the conclusion that the people we want are over here, right there in that spot?

it is simple, pete told him. it looks like there is nothing there, right?


but there must be something there, right?


but if there is something there, why can’t we see it?

you tell me.

there can only be one reason - because they don’t want you to know!

of course, johnny agreed. it’s obvious once you think about it.

then let’s go.

johnny turned and looked across the water. all right, how do we get over there?

pete pointed off to the left into the darkness. there is a rowboat over there.

does it belong to you?

no, it just sits there. it has been sitting there for as long as i have coming here. i figure it belongs to them, for someone to bring them a message in an emergency, if there is a revolution or a meteor hits the earth., and all the power in the world goes out.

johnny nodded. oh. that makes sense.

so i figure it is all right for us to take it.

wait! they heard a voice in the shadows.

they both turmed, it was cleo.

i heard everything, johnny . i put you up to this. take me with you! i want to be in on it.

sure, johnny told her. if you insist.

pete did not seem surprised or put out by cleo’s appearane. let’s go, he said. the boat is right over there.

the little boat was unpainted and weatherbeaten, and was big enough for three people, maybe four.

are, you sure it won’t sink? johnny asked.

it has been sitting there in the water for years, pete said, and it hasn’t sunk, so it should be all right.

they got in the boat, with pete taking the oars. johnny sat up front, with cleo between them.

here we go, pete said, off to save the human race.

and about time, cleo said.

part 5: headquarters

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