albert einstein
albert schweitzer
alexander the great
broderick crawford
betty boop
bernard baruch
ted williams
joe dimaggio
cecil travis
bob feller
isaac newton
rene descartes
frederick the great
catherine the great
bob feller
bob feller
johnny mize
harry s truman
harry s truman
harry s truman
edward teller
edward teller
edward teller
john von neumann
john von neumann
john von neumann
winston churchill
anthony eden
clement attlee
alan turing
alan turing
alan turing
claude shannon
claude shannon
claude shannon
frank sinatra
frank sinatra
frank sinatra
burt lancaster
burt lancaster
burt lancaster
niagara falls
niagara falls
buffalo new york
are we there yet
are we there yet
are we there yet
long way to go
long way to go
old farmhouse
klaus fuchs
klaus fuchs
klaus fuchs
julius rosenberg
ethel rosenberg
harry gold
joseph stalin
harry s truman
clement attlee
lavrenty beria
lavrenty beria
j robert oppenheimer
j robert oppenheimer
j robert oppenheimer
j robert oppenheimer
frank sinatra
frank sinatra
frank sinatra
patti page
patti page
patti page
albert einstein
isaac newton
j robert oppenheimer
rochester new york
syracuse new york
utica new york
i have to hand it to you
you know your stuff
you know your stuff
you know your stuff
how much is that doggie in the window
henry luce
henry luce
clare booth luce
frankie laine
frankie laine
frankie laine
jackie gleason
jackie gleason
jackie gleason
i have to hand it to you
you know your stuff
you know your stuff
but we are not making much progress