Friday, March 22, 2019

johnny wilson - 6. 1969

by bofa xesjum

part six of 52

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on september 8, 1969, johnny began first grade. mrs johnson was the teacher. the class was composed of the same group of children as miss foster’s kindergarten class, except that carl gray was gone, and a girl named mary ellen francisco was added.

with carl gray gone, johnny now ranked second from the bottom in the boys’ pecking order. but martin dolan was not a harsh alpha boy, and johnny and william nickerson, who was now the bottom boy, were mostly just ignored.

after some thought, johnny decided to be friends with william nickerson.

later that year, the united states officially closed its “blue book” investigation into unidentified flying objects, concluding that they did not present evidence of extraterrestial life or technology. joe wilson thought this was suspicious, but jenny did not share his concerns.

7. 1970

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