Monday, March 25, 2019

johnny wilson - 9. 1972

by bofa xesjum

part nine of 52

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on march 8, 1972, a young man named bill donaldson was hired by the gas station where joe wilson worked. he told joe he had returned a month earlier from a year’s tour of duty in vietnam. in response to joe’s questions, he said the only american casualties he had seen were the results of drug dealing among the troops. joe did not want to believe this, and though he did not challenge bill donaldson, decided not to.

on may 6, johnny wilson first learned about sex, though in a somewhat imperfect manner, by being allowed to hear a conversation between earl norris and jerry jaspers, two of the higher ranking third grade boys.

in july, jane fonda toured north vietnam and was widely photographed doing so. joe wilson could not stop talking about this, but jenny hardly made a pretense of listening to him, busy as she was with johnny’s little sister daisy, who was approaching her second birthday.

10. 1973

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