Saturday, May 4, 2019

johnny wilson - 49. 2012

by bofa xesjum

part forty-nine of 52

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on february 1, 2012, violence broke out at a football match in port said, egypt, between adherents of the el masry team of port said, and the al ahly team of cairo, after some of the visiting cairo fans displayed signs questioning the masculinity of the port said fans. 73 people were killed. members of various political factions accused others of fomenting and/or allowing the violence.

on july 5, johnny wilson spent much of his night instructing a new hire, a 31 year old woman named doris hutchinson, on the best ways of stacking boxes containing computers and television sets. as doris moved the boxes around with her fork lift under johnny’s supervision , and later, as they were drinking coffee in the break room, she kept up a commentary on such subjects as the afghanistan war (she was for it, but only because the taliban treated women so harshly) and same-sex marriage (she was all for it). johnny just nodded through it all, barely listening.

as he drove home just before dawn, it occurred to johnny that only a couple of years earlier, much of doris’s monologue would have outraged him. so? he thought. what difference did it make? he wondered if he would ever really care about anything again.

on october 7, hugo chavez was elected to a third term as president of venezuela, and on november 6, barack obama was elected to a second term as president of the united states.

on december 14, 20 year old adam lanza entered the sandy hook elementary school in newtown connecticut, and shot and killed 26 people, including 20 small children. conspiracy theories quickly followed.

50. 2013

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