Monday, May 6, 2019

johnny wilson - 51. 2014

by bofa xesjum

part fifty-one of 52

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on june 11, 2014, the rebel army known variously as the islamic state of iraq and syria (isis), the islamic state of iraq and lebanon (isil) and by the arabic acronym transliterated as “daesh”, defeated the army of the state of iraq and took control of mosul, the second largest city in iraq, and surrounding territory, and proclaimed itself a caliphate with authority over all muslims.

on august 5, a 21 year old woman calling herself kim lee , who had served nine months of a two year jail sentence for selling drugs, was released to a halfway house about fifty miles from st louis. the residents of the house were encouraged to write letters to family and friends and “loved ones”. kim wrote several letters, including one to her childhood friend d’sheena nelson, whom she had not heard from in years and whose exact address she could not remember or find by googling. but she mailed it to the address as best she could recall it. she sent another letter to jenny wilson, not knowing that jenny was dead.

dear jenny , the letter read, i hope you are o k and hanging in there. i call myself kim lee now instead of kim wilson or kim montgomery or some other american name because people are always asking me about it and they tell me two thirds of the people in korea are called lee so that sounded good to me. my present situation could be better but what are you going to do? i just want to say i know you always meant well and treated me better than most which i have found out for damn sure and i am sorry i was such a little bitch and baby. xxxxx kim

the letter did not reach johnny wilson beause he had moved and the time period for forwarding his and jenny’s mail had expired. when the letter was finally returned to the halfway house kim had disappeared.

johnny had become a regular at billy’s bar. he had never been much tempted by alcohol before and now discovered he had a low tolerance for it. his performance at work began to suffer.

on september 19, an iraq war veteran named omar jose gonzalez jumped the fence of the white house and ran across the north lawn and entered the main residence. he was apprehended by security officers and found to be carrying a knife. the director of the secret service, julia pierson, resigned on october 1.

52. 2015

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