how did we get here anyway, billy blurted out.
it s a long story, alexander assured him.
we have nothing but time, christopher added.
on the contrary, d b declared, we have a very limited time before we die of hunger and thirst and privation.
silence settled over the raft, broken only by the sound of the sloshing of the water over the side of the raft.
i wish we knew who to blame for this situation, alexander finally said.
it was all the fault of that jackass ed brown , billy asserted confidently.
no, it was frank gray - he started it all, christopher retorted.
look out, said d b, here comes grover.
grover came through the door, and the wind and rain followed him.
have any of you bums seen harry ? grover demanded, striding boldly up to the foursome’s table.
the table was littered with styrofoam cups with the letter i printed on them boldly in red.
no, alexander said meekly, none of us have seen him since christmas.
and he did not even give us any presents, billy added.
or even a christmas card, christopher put in.
how about you, grover addressed d b, have you seen him lately?
not lately.
how would you define lately, grover pressed on.
we are in for it now, alexander mused sadly.
the door opened again, and commissioner johnson entered, brushing snow from the front of his camelshair coat.
stop pussyfooting around, he told grover, bring all these clowns down to the waterfront.
you heard the commisioner, grover asserted. on your feet.
can i finish my coffee? christopher pleaded.
outside, the night was rent with the banshee wail of sirens.
after they had all left, dr kendrick, seated in the corner, finished his coffee and rolled his napkin into a ball.