Friday, January 17, 2025

cordial highway, part 2

by bofa xesjum

part two of two

to read part one, click here

the broad back of the vice consul disappeared down the corridor to the kitchen and the servants quarters.

the queen turned to sam jones with renewed urgency.

listen, my friend, at midnight the minister of information, in collaboration with the vice consul and the third secretary, will issue an order closing all the roads out of the kingdom.

what is that to me? sam countered airily. i have been down both sides of all these roads before - both into and out of the kingdom.

but it means everything to me! the queen implored him. do you not remember the time -

just then sam and the queen were interrupted by a young woman with a bland expression on her perfectly round face and carrying a clipboard.

i am sorry to interrupt but are you the persons designated as queen catherine of l—————, and sad sam jones.

yes, we are, sam answered with a ready smile.

and which of you is which?

we will let you be the judge of that, the queen replied snarkily.

as you wish, the young woman replied without taking her blue eyes off her clipboard.

now that we have settled that, was there something you wished to share with us?

yes, you have both been assigned new identities. i have two new identities here - which of you takes which one is irrelevant, as long as you each take one.

what a bother! all right, let us hear them.

later that night, red dooley and wanda wilson are cruising down the interstate -

hold it - what does that mean- cruising down the interstate?

it means they are driving down the road.

why not just say that?

the implication is that the road is empty except for themselves.

all right, if you say so.

they round the bend -

the bend?

they round a bend -

that’s better.

and they see a prophet standing beside the road with a large suitcase.

does the prophet have a name?

howard johnson.

what is in the suitcase?

red and wanda pull over to find out.

are red and wanda authorized persons?

red is the sheriff of area 459-p. wanda was just passing through when red offered her a ride.

so, what does howard johnson have in the suitcase?

suddenly all hell breaks loose.

was hell in the sutcase?

you sure ask a lot of questions.

end of part two

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