ruby was sad ruby was blue ruby didn't know what to do
another day almost gone by and still no slice of life's pie
would she get a ride when she got outside? or the long empty night greet her weary sight?

maybe gus would be waiting gus with his voice so grating and his hair dissipating and his twitching lips and his careful tips and his restless eyes with nothing to disguise

gus could be faithful and true but not much to look forward to
and then there was frankie
ruby felt her brain cells burn at the thought of frankie's possible return
frankie from the old neighborhood was no good
with his smile so twisted and evil eye not to be resisted
in a universe by justice kissed a creature like frankie would not exist he was a bum scum always on the run
always with a plan to make an end run around the man
looking for the perfect score just needing a few cents more
to get started his hair was parted

in the middle with perfect precision a satanic surgical incision and his nasty little mustache crying out, i need some cash
frankie was a cancer not exactly the answer
ruby was tired uninspired maybe she would go out and get wired
she knew a little spot nothing too hot where she could relax the bartender was named max
he had a little business on the side keeping gentlemen supplied with ladies from every continent and nation ruby had a standing invitation

to take advantage of max's services but the thought made her a little nervous, yes
but max hadn't mentioned it in a while maybe she wasn't the latest style or maybe - the thought made her brain stop cold she was just getting old
the hours flowed and bended the day was almost ended ruby's feet were sore she couldn't wait to get off the floor
but what was this? her relentless nemesis mrs carson with her icy smile and her impeccable sense of style

had invaded ruby's station and was displaying a full ration of her perfect teeth so white ruby could not take flight and gave up the fight
mrs carson smiled like an elf those shoes on the bottom shelf take them out please miss to myself i would be remiss if i didn't try them on sometime before dawn

the rituals were performed ruby's back felt deformed while mrs carson looked at the ceiling ruby was feeling
nothing at all
half an hour later with her back a little straighter
ruby stood at the back stair inhaling the halfway fresh air when who should she look up and see but her ancient enemy -
mrs carson with her chauffeur named (what else?) garcon and her eyes of midnight ink and her mink
would you like a lift, my dear? ruby felt like a mere spectator at a show
but you don't know where i want to go
mrs carson's laugh was blue oh, but i think i do

garcon opened the door of the bentley clicking his heels like a sentry
as they sped down main street the lights of the city were spreading their wings in flight then the city was left behind and they raced through the night dark and blind
mrs carson leaned back in her furs and took ruby's hand in hers
