Tuesday, April 23, 2019

johnny wilson - 38. 2001

by bofa xesjum

part thirty-eight of 52

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on february 6, 2001, elections were held in israel and ariel sharon became the country’s fifth prime minister in six years.

johnny wilson continued to put on weight, experience back problems, and drive forty miles to his job at wal-mart five or six days a week.

nine year old kim continued her obstreperous ways, at home and at school. johnny would have liked nothing better than to “give her back” if he had only known how. he appealed to olive johnson, but she was not helpful, and pointed out that questions might arise as to how kim had been adopted in the first place.

jenny, however, continued to insist that kim was “her little sunshine”, and jenny stepped up and dealt with the teachers and school authorities when necessary. in these dealings she was always polite, patient, and conciliatory.

on september 11, two planes piloted by islamic zealots deliberately crashed into the twin towers of manhattan’s world trade center, killing over two thousand people. a third plane crashed into the pentagon, the american military headquarters in washington d c, and a fourth, probably aiming for the white house, grounded and crashed before reaching its objective.

to the american population, these were by far the most sensational and frightening events to occur in the world since the conclusion of the second world war 56 years earlier. to the great mass of the u s public, who had little knowledge of or interest in the conflicts in the middle east, and no concept at all of a “clash of civilizations” between “the west” snd islam dating back 1300 years, “9-11” was more astonishing , unexpected, and incomprehensible, than an invasion from outer space would have been.

39. 2002

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